Learning and Acquisition |TET Exam

Primary And upper primary Learning and Acquisition TET Exam : English Learning And Acquisition For Primary and Upper primary Tet Exam |English Pedagogy For Central TET Examination |

Learning and Acquisition: TET Exam

1. The terms like drill, repetition, practice ete. are associated with-
(a) cognitivist approach.
(b) communicative approach.
(c) behaviourist approach.
(d) functionalist approach.
Ans: (c) behaviourist approach.

2. Language learning is a matter of habit formation” Which school of psychology believe in this?
(a) functionalist school.
(b) cognitive school.
(c) behaviourist school.
(d) communicative school.
Ans: (c) behaviourist school.

3. Interlanguage” is associated with—
(a) cognitive approach to language learning.
(b) behaviourist approach to language learning.
(c) functionalist approach to language learning.
(d) communicative approach to language learning.
Ans: (a) cognitive approach to language learning.

4. Errors are very important and tolerable for—
(a) learning (b) acquisition
(c) operant conditioning.
(d) reinforcement.
Ans: (b) acquisition.

5. In language teaching ‘acquisition’ is generally associated with—
(b) second language.
(a) first language.
(d) official language.
(c) third language.
Ans:(a) first language.

6. Students will learn better if—
(a) they want to learn.
(b) they need to learn.
(c) they are compelled to learn
(d) they want to pass an exam.
Ans:(a) they want to learn.

7. Tick the de-motivator in the list—
(a) learners are given individual supports.
(b) learners get timely feedback from tests.
(c) learning tasks are meaningful.
(d) passive learning tasks with little learners involvement.
Ans:(d) passive learning tasks with little learners involvement.

8. Which one is a motivator?
(a) waiting for help from teacher
(b) negative body language of the teacher.
(c) variety of teaching and learning methods.
(d) didactive teacher who gives lectures.
Ans:(c) variety of teaching and learning methods.

9. Which one is an example of intrinsic motivation-
(a) learning to build career for future.
(6) learning to support family members.
(c) learning something as a hobby.
(d) learning to attain social status.
Ans:(c) learning something as a hobby.

Pedagogy Questions On Learning and Acquisition of TET Exam

10. Who has suggested the concept of scattou learning first?
(a) Jerome Bruner.
(b) Vygotsky.
(c) Piaget.
(d) Pavlov.
Ans:(a) Jerome Bruner.

11. Who has developed the concept of scaffolding learning ?
(a) Jerome Bruner.
(b) Vygotsky.
(C) Piaget.
(d) Pavlov.
Ans:(a) Jerome Bruner.

12. Scaffolding is a teaching technique where—
(a) no assistance is provided when a learner learns a new thing.
(b) assistance is provide initially but later assistance is withdrawn.
(c) everything is done by the teacher.
(d) peer help is needed.
Ans:(b) assistance is provide initially but later assistance is withdrawn.

13. Pedagogy is related to the teaching of-
(a) adults
(b) children
(c) old men and women.
(d) practicing teacher.
Ans:(b) children.

14. Andragogy is related to the teaching of—
(a) children
(b) adults
(c) teenagers
(d) teachers.
Ans:(b) adults.

15. ‘Innateness hypothesis’ is propounded by—
(a) Chomsky
(b) Pavlov
(c) Vygotsky
(d) Piaget.
Ans:(a) Chomsky.

16. Who has advocated the concept of acquisition’ in language learning ?
(a) Krashen
(b) Robinson
(c) Pavlov
(d) David Crystal.
Ans:(a) Krashen.

17. In Pedagogy, what is meant by ‘acquisition’?
(a) acquiring all the language skills.
(b) going through the process of learning.
(c) acquiring proper notes for examination.
(d) securing high marks in examination.
Ans:going through the process of learning.

18. A child wants to learn English to get a job in corporate sector. This is an instance of—
(a) integrative motivation.
(6) intrinsic motivation.
(c) instrumental motivation.
(d) none of the above.
Ans:(c) instrumental motivation.

19. A teacher finds that his student has solved a problem In an unconventional way which seems to be Creative. Here it can be said that the student has used-
(a) Convergent thinking.
(b) divergent thinking.
(c) Impulsive thinking.
(d) practical thinking.
Ans: (b) divergent thinking.

20. A child explains a gramatical structure with the help of grammar rules. In this case the child is said to be using—
(a) Convergent thinking.
(b) divergent thinking.
(C) Impulsive thinking.
(d) practical thinking.
Ans:(b) divergent thinking.

21. A teacher wants his students to memorise the answer exactly as he has dictated in the class. The teacher here encourages—
(a) meaningful learning
(b) reception learning
(d) rote learning
(c) discovery learning.
Ans:(d) rote learning.

22. A teacher wants to help students acquire the English language. For this purpose teacher should—
(a) encourage parents to speak in English with their children at home.
(b) allow students to speak in their mother tongue in the class.
(C) encourage pupils to speak in their mother tongue with peers.
(d) encourage to see regional programmes in TV.
Ans:(a) encourage parents to speak in English with their children at home.

23. A child has opportunities to use English at home, with peers and with neighbours. This child enjoys—
(a) acquisition poor environment.
(b) acquisition rich environment.
(c) formal school environment.
(d) none of the above.
Ans:(b) acquisition rich environment.

24. A child has no opportunity to use English except in the classroom. So the child learns English in—
(a) acquisition poor environment
(b) acquisition rich environment
(c) formal school environment
(d) none of the ałl above.
Ans:(a) acquisition poor environment.

25. Which one of the following is a domain of learning?
(b) experiencial
(a) spiritual
(d) professional
(c) cognitive.
Ans:(c) cognitive.

26. Pre-operational stage’ refers to those learners who belong to the age group of—
(b) 2-4
(a) 0-2
(d) 7-11
(c) 4-7

Ans:(b) 2-4

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