Tag «Madhyamik English suggestion»

Madhyamik English Writing Suggestion 2024

আজকের পোষ্টে মাধ্যমিক 2024 ইংলিশ পরীক্ষার জন্য কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ রচনা সাজেশান দেওয়া হলো | আশা করা যায় তোমরা এর মধ্যে কমন পেয়ে যেতে পারো |

Story Writing Practice| Madhyamik English

A) Write a story using following points and add a suitable title. Points: Holding a piece of meat in its mouth a dog wanted to eat in a quiet place- it had to cross a stream it saw its own reflection – it thought another dog with the same piece of meat-the dog wanted to …

Process Writing : Madhyamik English Writing

1. Write a paragraph on how to prepare mango pickle, using following chart. [Buying mangoes → sorting removing rotten ones → cleaning cutting into pieces → adding spices, salt, mustard oil and chilly→ mixing →keeping in a big flat pot in the sun→Pouring into jars.] Answer: PREPARATION OF MANGO PICKLE For preparation of mango pickle …

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